Use folk remedies to increase potency

Folk remedies to increase potency effectively cope with erectile dysfunction, making men sexually active.

A woman in bed with a man with increased potency

The benefits of traditional medicine for male potency

Traditional methods to increase potency allow the patient to use an individual method of treatment: taking baths with decoctions, tinctures. Unlike drugs that have a strong chemical effect on the liver and kidneys, traditional medicines do not overload the body's systems and have almost no effect on the general state of health.

Home-made drugs have virtually no contraindications (except for alcoholic infusions) and do not cause adverse reactions in the body, if such drugs are not abused.

Preparation of drugs to restore male potency is simple and does not require special skills. Traditional medicine does not require large sums of money, because everything is made from improvised means.

Available treatment options for impotence

The potency to increase the reception bath

For self-treatment of impotence, there are several options: make tinctures, herbal decoctions, take special baths. For these methods to be effective, you need to give up bad habits and follow a diet and sleep pattern.

Honey and propolis

Honey and propolis - bee products that are useful and rich in vitamins. Ingredients of the products strengthen the immune system, increase the protective functions of the body, improve blood circulation, these are important factors to increase potency.

Honey can be used to make a variety of dishes and beverages: to make sweet and sour sauces, to add to tea, sweet pastries. This method is more suitable for prevention.

For the treatment of impotence is recommended to make tinctures: grind chilled and frozen propolis on a grater, pour 0, 5 liters of alcohol or vodka. Place the mixture in a cool, dark place, such as a cupboard. Insist for 2-3 weeks, periodically shaking the contents. Take 1 teaspoon of the prepared tincture per month.

Potency to increase honey

It is better to use black honey. The product can be mixed with ginger powder, turnip juice or carrot juice. It is important to consume the product regularly to achieve results.

Medicinal herbs

Decoctions are made from herbs, which are taken orally or added to baths. Herbs can be picked and harvested on their own or purchased at a specialty store.

  1. Ginseng root is very effective. Tinctures are taken 30-40 drops per day, diluted with water or tea. If desired, the reception can be repeated during the day. Treatment can be continued until complete recovery. If the dose is observed, the agent does not cause side effects.
  2. Dubrovnik is brewed with boiling water (there is 1 glass of water for 5 tablespoons). Infuse the mixture for 20-30 minutes. The glass is drunk within 1 day. Therapy lasts 14 days. You can repeat the treatment after a break.
  3. St. John's wort increases blood circulation in the pelvic organs. The herb can be soaked in boiling water or infused with vodka. If water is used, add 2 tbsp. l. The herbs are poured into 1 cup of liquid and required for 1 hour. It is important to maintain a 1: 5 ratio when using alcohol. The infusion is left for 7 days in a dark place.
  4. 2 teaspoonsMotherwort is poured with 0, 5 liters of water at room temperature. The drug is infused for up to 8 hours. Take 3 times daily before meals.
  5. lilac to increase potency
  6. Lilac flowers are distinguished not only by their pleasant aroma and beauty, but also by their beneficial properties. Cooked lilac flowers, insist for 1 day, enhance male erection, if taken for several weeks, 30-40 ml at a time.

In addition to these plants, the effectiveness of nettle, calamus, aloe juice, green tea, sea buckthorn is noted. You can combine herbs to create your own medicine.

Products from the garden

Vegetables and fruits grown in the garden can affect a man's sexual desire. They can be added to any dish: side dishes, soups, salads. They can be used to make freshly squeezed juices, but it should be noted that some vegetables are part of a number of heavy foods and have a negative effect on the stomach, liver and other organs.

The following products are very effective in combating impotence:

  • an onion;
  • cabbage;
  • carrots;
  • beetroot;
  • the salad;
  • celery;
  • The potency to increase radishes
  • radish;
  • asparagus;
  • Bell pepper;
  • garlic;
  • Strawberries;
  • raspberry.

In this case, it is better not to subject the products to heat treatment.

If necessary, it is recommended to steam or boil them, but never fry them. Unprocessed vegetables, herbs and fruits retain all the vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on male potency.

10 best quick action recipes

Everyone chooses the most suitable recipe for themselves. However, there are a number of ways to prepare drugs to treat impotence, which are especially effective and fast.

Recipe 1

The potency to increase ginger

To make the tincture, you will need ingredients such as:

  • carrots;
  • ginger;
  • honey;
  • nuts.

Carrot juice should be made, the liquid should be filtered, and the pulp should not be left. Grind or grind the ginger. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Mix everything and add honey. Take 35-40 g of the resulting mixture per day.

Recipe 2

Thyme is rich in zinc, so it increases sperm activity and has a positive effect on erections. It is a good tool to prevent diseases of men such as prostatitis, impotence and others.

To create a decoction, dried flowers of the plant are used. 1 tbsp. l. The herbs correspond to 1 cup boiling water. The infusion is ready in 1 hour. Drink within 1 day. Because the broth is prepared in advance, the steel will retain its properties for six months.

Recipe 3

The potency to increase parsley

Cumin and parsley. Both raw and dried are effective. Only leaves are used. Coriander and parsley are finely chopped, mixed and poured into boiling water. Insist until the water turns yellow. You can add a spoonful of honey to the drink, give it a sweet taste and enhance the action of the product. The mixture is filtered before use. Drink 1 glass per day.

Recipe 4

Turnips also help fight erectile dysfunction. Vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked. Boiled in milk, this product has proven itself. If you use turnip with other vegetables, you can achieve a quick effect: carrots, onions, garlic.

The most effective recipe is such a remedy as turnip. Mashed potatoes are made from boiled turnips, poured with carrot juice and honey. Brackets are taken from 1 tbsp. l. the day before a meal.

Recipe 5

Decoction of chamomile to increase potency

Relaxing baths relieve stress with herbal decoctions and increase male sexual activity. A bath with a decoction of chamomile and bay leaves gives good results. Herbs are brewed in boiling water on the basis of 50 g of plants in 3 liters of water. Infuse for 15–20 minutes. and poured into the bath. Performing water treatments daily for 30 minutes is a guarantee of increased male potency and prolonged sexual intercourse.

Recipe 6

Nettle is known for its medicinal properties. For potency, the recipe uses seeds, which need to grind until smooth, mix with a glass of wine and add 1 tbsp. honey. Take the resulting mixture for 30 minutes. before bedtime. You can prepare a decoction of nettle leaves for bathing or swallowing. The young leaves of the nettle are added to vegetable salads and then poured into boiling water.

Recipe 7

Calamus root is used as a chewing gum, which helps the body absorb substances needed to fight impotence.

An infusion can be made from the roots of the plant. 2 tbsp. l. The crushed roots are poured 150 ml of vodka or medical alcohol. Insist 3 days. The drug is taken 10 drops 3 times a day.

Recipe 8

Horseradish can be added to various hot and cold dishes, in the preparation of pickles for the winter or in the preparation of special tinctures. There are several options for horseradish:

  1. Wash 0, 5 kg, grind the peeled horseradish and fill it with water at room temperature. In this form the product is stored for 1 week. After pouring the horseradish, add honey and lemon juice. The mixture is sent to the warehouse for another 1 week. Then, the product is ready for use: 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day.
  2. You can grind horseradish, mix it with walnut leaves and add basil for taste and aroma. Everything is filled with hot red wine. It is better if it is made at home. It is infused for several hours, then the product can be drunk: 0, 5 cups 3 times a day.

Recipe 9

Several medicines can be prepared at the same time during the day: oil, candles, tinctures.

potential to increase

The raw material is crushed powder and diluted lard or butter. The cream is applied to the intimate areas. To make candles, you need to buy candles with a natural composition (for example, based on propolis). Purchased candles melt, flow is added to them, and candles reappear. Store the finished product in the refrigerator.

Alcoholic tincture should be worn for 1 month, after which it is ready for use.

Recipe 10

Young spruce branches are filled with cold water along with the cones. Bring the water to a boil and simmer for another 30 minutes. The cones are then brewed in a tightly closed container for up to 12 hours. If the broth is brown, then everything is done correctly. The finished product is added to a hot bath and kept there for up to 30 minutes.

What if he doesn't help?

Consult a doctor to increase potency

If folk remedies do not help, you should consult a specialist who will prescribe a course of medication. Decreased potency may be a sign of another disease.

It cannot be ruled out that the drug was improperly prepared or that the patient did not comply with the required dose. Many recipes do not give an immediate effect, but require time and patience.


Most often, drugs are prescribed to belong to the following groups:

  • phosphodiesterase inhibitors;
  • No synthase stimulants;
  • alpha-adrenergic blockers;
  • antispasmodics;
  • Supplements based on plant or animal components.

Most medications come in tablet or suppository form. Some medications need to be taken before sexual intercourse, which guarantees a strong erection.

Special exercises

Exercise helps not only to solve problems with potency, but to strengthen the body. To increase potency and eliminate erectile dysfunction, it is recommended to perform exercises aimed at lightening the muscles of the PC. Squats, bends, and wide steps help better with this. It is recommended to do these exercises in the morning, not half an hour before meals. Classes do not take much time, 10-15 minutes is enough. everyday.

You can sign up for yoga classes. This practice helps to strengthen the body, boost immunity, improve overall health and forget about impotence.


Traditional medicine treats impotence, but home remedies are sometimes ineffective. Male dysfunction may be a sign of another disease that requires medication. In this case, only a doctor can prescribe medication.